The next practice – or rather a habit – is something you will find in any article about highly successful people. However, few go deeper into why it is so powerful.

Wake up early

People often decide they need to be up before everyone else and they start waking up half an hour or an hour earlier. I wondered what it is that makes them stick to it, especially after observing they spend that time very differently.

Some of my coachees like to wake up early and plan their day. Many like to go to the gym, go for a run or meditate. Some like to just drink their coffee and read the paper while the house is still quiet. Others make big breakfasts for their families before everyone wakes up.

People say it helps them focus and they feel more in control of their day.

At first I thought it’s about buying more time. Extending the day, you know. But after practicing for a while, I don’t believe that’s what it’s all about. I came to understand that it’s about mindfulness. It’s about being only with yourself and actually being in the present moment. Calming the mind, appreciating the quiet moments and being in the now.

Once the day starts and everyone around us is awake, we often lose that presence. We start thinking of all the things that need to get done, we rush and we go out there and we do. And way too often we forget to be.

We live most of our lives either in the past or in the future, dedicating little time to what’s happening in the moment. How ironic is that? It’s extremely ironic, considering the present moment is the only one we’ve got…

I think that’s why people feel more in control and more focused when they start waking up early and establish strong morning routines. I believe it’s because every day – at least for a brief moment – they get in touch with themselves.