Whatever the goal may be, the need for this practice is very common.

Regular Exercise

If you’ve ever exercised in your life, you know the highs and lows. You know how incredibly difficult it is to start exercising regularly. To find the right motivation. To get through all the aches and pains and carry on. To keep it up. It’s a huge challenge, no doubt.

But you also know how you feel once the endorphins kick in. That rush, the feeling like you can do anything. And the desire to continue, the need – at some point it really becomes a physical need – to go for another run or go to the gym. It almost feels like you cannot live without it.

And you cannot fully live without it. Our body and mind is one. One cannot be healthy without the other for long. Sure, you can go on for days, months, even years with only paying attention to your mind, but at some point, something will give in. And what’s more, you are not living up to your full potential!

The gains of regular exercise are undeniable. It directly influences our energy level, endurance, self-esteem and drive. When we exercise, our focus gets sharper, our mind becomes clearer and we feel better. We can work harder and for longer stretches of time.

I don’t believe we are in control of everything in our lives, but as I coach, I see that through training the body and mind, people get to influence far more than they originally thought possible. And they get to achieve far more than they originally allowed themselves to believe.